
EDITOR'S NOTE I offer my profound thanks to the managing editor José A. Madrigal, assistant editor Bradley Nelson, book review editor Thomas O'Connor, and the members of the the editorial board for contributions to the Bulletin of the Comediantes. I would like to offer a style sheet, as I encourage scholars of early modem Spanish theater to submit their work to the journal. STYLE SHEET / Bulletin ofthe Comediantes Essays can be written in Spanish or English. Please double space, use 12-point font (Times New Roman, ifpossible). Submit three hard copies and a diskette (PC-formatted). 1 . Use the MLA Handbook, latest edition. 2.Please include a Works Cited section (rather than a bibliography), and adjust the endnotes accordingly. Ifyou are referring to a text listed among the Works Cited, include the author's name and the page number in parentheses, with no comma. For example: (Smith 146). If there are two or more works by the same author, include a short version ofthe title. For example: (Smith, "Approach" 222) or (Jones, Shakespearean 388). 3.Use endnotes for added materials, but do not present complete bibliographical citations in the notes. Put this information in Works Cited, and refer to author and page in the notes. 4. When the Works Cited lists more than one work by an author, use _____ in additional listings rather than the name. Calderón de la Barca, Pedro. 5.With multiple works by a single author, list in alphabetical rather than chronological order. 6.In the case of listing under editors, use ed. [editor] or eds. [editors]. If the names ofthe editor or editors come after the titles, use Ed. [Edited by]. Smith, James, and John R. Jones, eds. Approaches to Theatrical Performance. Roberts, Martha. "Contemplating Brecht." Approaches to Theatrical Performance. Ed. James Smith and John R. Jones. New York: Random House, 1999. 54-73. Note that the second example also shows the format for citing an essay in a collection. 7.For page and line numbers, use the following format: 117-18 NOT 117-118 or 117-8 8.Place periods and commas BEFORE closing quotation marks: ." ," NOT ". or ", 9.Use italics rather than underlining. 10.Use the format s's rather than s' as in Cervantes's 1 1 . Journal format: López Figueroa, José Ignacio. "La educación del príncipe en La vida sueño." Estudios Literarios 14.2 (1988): 345-68. 12.In Works Cited, use UP for University Press. 13.Quotations with an ellipsis: Check the latest MLA handbook for rules governing ellipses. (MLA imposed brackets and now seems to have taken them out, so please check the most current usage.) 14.In a quotation within the text proper, place a period after the citation, as in "The road to Zaragoza is never smooth" (Smith 302). In an indented quotation (generally for 30 words or more), the period goes before the parentheses: I told him that the story would have a happy ending, but he refused to believe me, and that made it increasingly difficult to manipulate the situation. I tried, but I could not succeed in achieving my goal. (Foster 25) 15.When you use slashes with quotations, space before and after the slash. "amores y penas, / alegría y paz." 16.Use Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, scene 1, scene 2, ... Also Part 1, Part 2 chapter 3, chapter 4 17.Don and Doña are capitalized in English, but not in Spanish. When he saw Don Diego de Miranda, . . . Sancho vio a don Quijote . . . 18.In lists, note comma before and in English but not in Spanish before Y- . . . trains, boats, and planes Lope, Tirso y Calderón . . . 19. Please proofread with care, and please take extra time to check the accuracy of quotations. E.H.F. 10 ...

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