
I am delighted to present this special issue of the International Endodontic Journal that has a focus on ‘Treatment outcomes in Endodontics’. With the demise of Endodontic Topics (Wiley) several years ago, it became obvious that a forum for narrative reviews written by world-leading authors in the field of Endodontology was needed. The IEJ, as the world-leading journal in the specialty of Endodontology, is in an ideal place to fill the vacuum created by the loss of Endodontic Topics and has initiated a plan to attract a wide range of review articles on the most important themes and topics within the specialty. This special issue contains reviews on ‘Treatment outcomes in Endodontics’—with a focus on the outcomes of a range of clinical treatments undertaken within the specialty. The review articles have critically appraised current evidence on the outcome (success/failure) of clinical procedures provided in Endodontics. In 2022, two special issues on ‘Research methods and experimental models in Endodontology’ and two special issues on the ‘Present status and future directions in clinical Endodontics’ were published. ‘Research methods and experimental models in Endodontology’ has an emphasis on a critical analysis of the status of research in Endodontology. The reviews critically appraise current experimental methods as well as provide a clear direction for future research to use more appropriate and valid experimental methodologies that have more direct application and translation to clinical endodontics. To view these special issues, visit: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/13652591/2022/55/S1 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/13652591/2022/55/S2 ‘Present status and future directions in clinical Endodontics’ has a focus on high quality and successful clinical techniques at the forefront of clinical practice for dentists. The review articles critically appraise current clinical techniques as well as provide a clear direction for future clinical developments in Endodontics. To view these special issues, visit: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/13652591/2022/55/S3 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/13652591/2022/55/S4 My sincere thanks to all the authors for their valuable contributions and to Zora Ma, Senior Commissioning Editor—Health Sciences, at Wiley for overseeing the publications and Mie Bak, Senior Journals Publishing Manager, for supporting the initiative. I also acknowledge the suggestions and help of Hal Duncan and Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu during the development of the special issues.

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