
It gives us great pleasure to announce that the 1st International Annual Meeting on STEM education (IAMSTEM 2018) held 13-15 August 2018 at AVANI hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand was a resounding success, with over 200 participants from throughout Thailand and from other countries. On behalf of the organizers, ASEAN Comparative Educational Research Network (ACER-N), Science Education Association of Thailand (SEAT) co-host from Malaysia - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; co-host from Indonesia - Universitas Negeri Padang, and Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Sorong; co-host from Vietnam - Thai Nguyen University of Education, Hanoi National University of Education, and Can Tho University; co-host from Thailand - Office of Basic Education Commission (OBEC), Rajabhat Mahasarakham University, and Khon Kaen University. as well as other corporate sponsors whose generous contributions made this a successful meeting. IAMSTEM 2018 provided a unique opportunity for experts, academics, and educators to exchange knowledge and build friendships. The meeting consisted of four keynote speakers, and a number of contributed oral and poster presentations. Resulting from the success of IAMSTEM 2018 are qualified full research articles from the presentations, which have been reviewed and compiled in this IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series. It is our sincere hope that these proceedings will contribute to advancing our understanding of STEM education and applications and serve as initiators for even greater achievements in the field.IAMSTEM 2018 Editorial Team

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