
I am highly honored to have been appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (T-MTT) by the Administrative Committee of the IEEE MTT Society (MTT-S). It is a great privilege and responsibility to work for this prestigious journal with 70 years of history, which has published instrumental advances to the progress in communications, radar, radiometry, and other applications that we enjoy today. The present time is also full of exciting research challenges: on the 5th Generation and beyond, demanding power and spectral efficient massive access and reconfigurability; on the Internet of Things, demanding energy efficiency and sustainability, reliability, and low-cost; and in the continuous quest for a better performance of compact radar systems, nonintrusive medical monitoring, highly sensitive microwave sensors, microwave imaging systems, microwave photonics or microwave radiometry, to name just a few. There are also new fields, such as quantum computing that require microwave signals and methods. All this progress demands advances in devices, components, and systems, as well as in analysis, simulation, and characterization methodologies. We expect that IEEE T-MTT will continue to be the premier journal for the dissemination of all these ongoing and future research.

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