
In this first issue of Plasma Sources Science and Technology (PSST) of 2007, I would like to take the opportunity to reflect upon the achievements of 2006 and to look forward to notable events and features planned for the journal over the coming year.The past year has seen a significant increase in submissions to the journal, with a resulting jump of 33\\% in the number of articles published compared to 2005. This rapid growth underlines the popularity of PSST amongst members of the community as an excellent means of communicating their latest research to their peers. The latest ISI data show that the journal's Impact Factor remains high at 1.798, comparing favourably with other titles in the field.Another noteworthy feature of 2006 has been the continuing improvement in publication times, largely as a result of the recent adoption of IOP Publishing's electronic article management system which has simplified the processes of submission and reviewing for both authors and referees. The trend of shorter receipt-to-publication times is one that we fully expect will continue over the coming twelve months.Our success is of course principally due to the authors who have contributed such consistently high-quality papers to the journal. Particular thanks must also go to the many referees whose hard work often goes unacknowledged. Their valuable suggestions and constructive criticism frequently lead authors to make significant improvements in their papers as well as encouraging the healthy scientific debate which is an essential part of the publication process.The journal has recently seen the departure of a number of long-standing Editorial Board members. I would particularly like to mention Daan Schram, who retired from his post as Regional Editor for Europe early last year. Daan has been involved with PSST from its inception and his contribution to the journal's development over the years has been invaluable. He will continue to work with us as a member of the Board and his position as European Editor has now been assumed by M C M (Richard) van de Sanden. As ever, the Board have done a great job of driving the scientific direction of the journal and their work is greatly appreciated.A key objective for the year to come will be to publish a greater number of quality review articles focused on high-interest topics and we encourage potential authors to submit their proposals for consideration by the Editorial Board. We will also continue to support the plasma community through the sponsorship of relevant conferences and publication of special topical issues.Finally, I would like to announce that I will be stepping down as Editor-in-Chief in mid-2007. Since founding PSST in 1992, I have spent many enjoyable and stimulating years in the role. During this time, it has been a great privilege to have been a part of such a dynamic community and my thanks go to all of those who I have worked with who have made it such a rewarding experience. The best part has been getting to know the people! Further details of my retirement and my successor will follow in the next few months. I intend to remain an active member of the Board after my retirement from the Editorship and I have no doubt that the journal will maintain its high standards and continue to enjoy success for many years to come.Noah Hershkovitz, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Editor-in-Chief

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