
INTRODUCTIONThe emergence of cut-throat competition among employees as well as between organizations and the development of information and technology play significant role in the nature of work and their attitude towards the organizations. In the present scenario, organizations are in need of employees who are highly dedicated, motivated, valuable and satisfied. Although job satisfaction is not new concept but still many researchers have turned their interest to the study of this job-related phenomenon as it is prominent in improving the performance at workplace and to promote the management of human resources and the satisfaction of customers.Khanna (2010) describes job satisfaction as a positive attitude by an employee towards his job as well as his personal life. This definition demonstrates that job satisfaction involves activities within and outside workplace. Hulin and Judge (2003) noted that job satisfaction includes multidimensional psychological response to one's job, and that such responses have cognitive (evaluative), affective (or emotional) and behavioural components. Researches prove that satisfied employees are known to show higher level of work performances in organizations. Thus, understanding job satisfaction of employees is an important organisational goal (Aronson, Laurenceau, Sieveking, & Bellet, 2005).The Challenging environment places great deal of stress on managers and also employees in the organizations. An employee's role in the organization can be a source of stress (Schultz & Shultz, 2006). Stress results from a combination of various individual characteristics (such as age, achievement need, type of personality) and organizational stressors (role overload, role ambiguity, role conflict). In organizations role related stress i.e. role overload, role ambiguity, and role conflict can play major role in employees' life. Role stress means anything about an organizational role that produces adverse consequences for the individual (Kahn & Quinn, 1970). Role overload is defined as having too much work in too little time, role conflict involves irreconcilable demands between two or more requirements in a job, and role ambiguity indicates uncertainty that arises when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles and it is the lack of clear and predictable work demands (Jackson & Schuler, 1985; Glazer & Beehr, 2005). In addition, meta-analytic studies have been conducted to examine the relationship between role stress (conflict/ambiguity) and job satisfaction (Ortqvist & Wincent, 2006; Tubre & Collins, 2000). They revealed that both role conflict and ambiguity have negative influence on job satisfaction.Another variable that also play significant role in job satisfaction is social support (Ducharme & Martin, 2000; Lowers, 2000). Social support is an important resource that has been positively associated with individual and organizational outcomes. In modern competitive organization clarifying and enhancing the role of social support can be effective and healthier. Social support (person) focuses on social network of employees which they have in their life. Social support (satisfaction) deals with relevance of social network for the employees. Reid (1989, cited in Costello, Pickens, & Fenton, 2001) offered a broad definition of social support that includes four specific kinds of support: Instrumental support, informational support, affiliative support, and emotional support. Network studies which examine mental health customarily focus on those ties between kin, friends, neighbours, or co-workers due to the assertion that these types of relations are a medium through which social support is transferred (Haines, Beggs, & Herbert, 2008). A study has shown a positive relationship between numerous types of support including co-worker support and job satisfaction (Baruch-Feldman, Brondolo, Ben-Dayan, & Schwartz, 2002).OBJECTIVETo examine the role of organizational role stress and social support in job satisfaction among managerial personnel. …

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