
Led by experts in the field of business and society, our editorial board members help us lead the Journal forward. No academic journal can succeed without this voluntary support, and for this, I am grateful. Since I became the editor-in-chief, I have seen nearly one hundred submissions and I would like to thank all the authors who contributed to SBR. While early pioneers such as Ben and Jerry’s and Patagonia paved the way, it is only in the past two decades that we see companies taking a more holistic approach to their role in society and the community and their social and environmental responsibility. From corporate philanthropy (e.g. Crocs donating millions of shoes to medical teams around the globe) to developing treatments and vaccines, many businesses showed that in times of need, they can be a force for good. [...]if there is anything we can learn from this global pandemic, is how we can work together and connect, as humans and as organizations, to address some of the most difficult challenges that we face.

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