
Irena Sailer, Editor-in-Chief: As the year 2022 slowly comes to its end, we have some exciting news to share with you for 2023. It was a very active and productive year for the IJP Editorial Board team thanks to many excellent submissions to the journal. We would like to thank all authors for considering the IJP for their valuable and timely research. We are aware that the speed of the review and publication process is crucial for all authors and a major factor for their satisfaction. Unfortunately, the review process can sometimes be lengthy, and additional statistical reviews cost even more time—this is a part of the publication process that is difficult to control. Yet, the speed at which the accepted work appears online for consideration by the scientific community is where publication procedures can be influenced. To increase the speed of publication and to make submission to the IJP even more attractive in the future, we have established a new “online-as-soon-as-accepted” publication process at the IJP. It will become fully active as of the beginning of 2023. This new process will increase the visibility of your research in the early stages (in the submitted format) and offer the opportunity to be cited long before the fully laid-out version of the manuscript appears in one of the journal issues. Of course, the layout of the work will only be a compromise for a short period of time after online publication, as the first published version of the manuscript will be replaced by the finally laid-out version as soon as the latter is available. This change was a major improvement of the entire publication process and could only be established for the journal with the tremendous help of the Chicago Quintessence team. We as editors are very grateful for it, as it will help us stay competitive with other prosthodontic journals. Please spread the word in your scientific communities! Another change to happen in the near future concerns the Associate Editor Board. Dr Clark Stanford has recently become Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants and will therefore step down from his position as the representative of the Americas on the Editorial Board of the IJP. We are of course very sad to lose such a great Associate Editor, but we congratulate Clark for his appointment and thank him very much for the immense support that he has given the journal over so many years! In the meantime, we have found a fantastic new Associate Editor for the Americas— Dr Kenneth Malament. Dr Malament will be officially presented in the first issue of 2023, and he is so well known in the prosthodontics community that an introduction seems almost unnecessary. His acceptance of our invitation truly moved me. I remember how Dr Malament’s work was dominating the literature at the beginning of my academic career, when I first started diving into the scientific literature in the field of prosthodontics and all-ceramic restorations. I was truly impressed by his meticulous and thorough reports of the long-term data achieved with different types of ceramic restorations documented in his private clinic. For each one experienced with clinical research, it is clear what an enormous effort it must have been for Dr Malament and his team to assess all the parameters of the clinical outcomes over many years in such a standardized way, and to then further analyze the outcomes in collaboration with a unique statistician and methodologist, Dr Sigmund S. Socransky, to help us understand the possibilities and limitations of all-ceramic restorations. As both an academic and a clinical practitioner, Kenny Malament is a true asset to the prosthodontics community and the IJP. We are very pleased and honored to have him join the IJP team, and we very much look forward to a fruitful collaboration in the years to come! In conclusion, 2023 promises to be a great year. Have a nice end of 2022 all! On behalf of the entire Editorial Board team, Irena Sailer, Editor-in-Chief

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