
The Journal of Real-Time Image Processing is entering its 10th year of publication with a steady increase in its stature in the area of image processing. The number of downloads grew to 37K? in 2014. There are currently six special issue calls for papers, which can be viewed in the back matter of this issue. In the past few years, changes have been made to the Editorial Board to incorporate the technological trends and challenges in the field of real-time image processing. In addition, to improve the geographical representation of manuscripts being submitted, changes are being made to the Advisory Board. As a first step, we are delighted to inform our readers that Professor Touradj Ebrahimi, who is a well-known researcher and technology leader with extensive experience in image processing, has kindly agreed to join the Advisory Board. It is a great pleasure to have him in our Advisory Board. The editorial board meeting of JRTIP (see Fig. 1) was recently held in San Francisco in February 2015 during the IS&T/SPIE Conference on Real-Time Image and Video Processing discussing various issues related to the journal. The outcome of this meeting will be noted in the next regular issue editorial. As indicated in the editorial of the last regular issue, the number of pages of JRTIP is now increased to 800 pages per year. This is the reason this issue has more than the normal number of pages or papers compared to the previous volumes. This increase in the number of pages is expected to ease the backlog of papers that are already on Online First and waiting to appear in print. One item to note is that considering that the number of requests for offering special issues has been steadily growing, we have put together a set of guidelines or rules to help potential guest editors with offering and conducting special issues. These guidelines can be viewed under the Call-For-Papers link at the journal website: http://static. springer.com/sgw/documents/1488308/application/pdf/Spe cialIssueGuidelines_final.pdf. It is quite helpful for all interested guest editors to read these guidelines before sending emails to the Editors-in-Chiefs regarding the offering of special issues. Before providing an overview of papers in this regular issue, it is worth pointing out that the next issue or second issue of volume 10 will be a special issue entitled ‘‘RealTime Color Image Processing’’. There are a total of 13 papers in this regular issue. The first paper by Khalvati et al. presents a technique named window memoization for software implementation of local image processing algorithms. This technique has been applied to six image processing algorithms and it is shown that speedups ranging from 1.2 to 7.9 are achieved while the total average speedup for different algorithms with different input images is 3.95. The second paper by Karas et al. provides a review of parallel algorithms for the computation of linear opening and closing morphological operations followed by an implementation comparison of four state-of-the-art algorithms. Then, the GPU implementations of two recent algorithms are described. The experimental results show that the proposed GPU implementation is suitable for real-time processing of industrial applications involving large images. The third paper by Rodriguez-Gomez et al. describes a hardware computing engine to perform background N. Kehtarnavaz (&) University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, USA e-mail: kehtar@utdallas.edu

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