
Current Opinion in Oncology was launched in 1989. It is one of a successful series of review journals whose unique format is designed to provide a systematic and critical assessment of the literature as presented in the many primary journals. The field of psychiatry is divided into 15 sections that are reviewed once a year. Each section is assigned a Section Editor, a leading authority in the area, who identifies the most important topics at that time. Here we are pleased to introduce the Journal's Section Editors for this issue. Section Editors Bertrand Coiffier Bertrand Coiffier is Professor of Hematology at the Department of Hematology, Hospices Civils de Lyon and the University Claude Bernard, Lyon, France. After having specialized in hematology, Professor Coiffier has held a number of positions at the Hematology Department of the Edouard-Herriot Hospital, Lyon and then the Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud, Pierre-Benite. He is a member of several international societies, including the American Society of Hematology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the International Society for Medical Oncology, the European Haematology Association, and the European Society for Medical Oncology. Professor Coiffier is a founding member of the Group d’Etude des Lymphomes de l’Adulte (GELA) and has been President of the GELA since 2006. He has published over 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals. Anne-Sophie Michallet Anne-Sophie Michallet is a Doctor of Hematology at the Department of Hematology, Hospices Civils de Lyon and the University Claude Bernard, Lyon, France. After having specialized in hematology, she focused on lymphoproliferative disorders. She is a member of the French Group of Chronic Lymphocyic Leukemia (GFCLL and GOELAMS), the Group d’Etude des Lymphomes de l’Adulte (GELA); and a member of the société française de greffe de moelle (SFGM-TC). Ronald MitsuyasuRonald MitsuyasuDr Ronald Mitsuyasu is Professor of Medicine/Hematology-Oncology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and the Director of the UCLA Center for Clinical AIDS Research and Education (CARE Center). Dr Mitsuyasu is Associate Director of the UCLA AIDS Institute and oversees its programs in Clinical Therapeutics and Biomedical Prevention. He is an established clinical investigator with over 25 years of experience in HIV clinical trials research and patient care. He established one of the first clinics for Kaposi's sarcoma and AIDS malignancies at UCLA in 1983. He is the Group Chair of the NCI-funded AIDS Malignancy Consortium (AMC) and is director of the State of California UCLA Collaborative Center for HIV/AIDS Research, which is known as the Network for AIDS Research in Los Angeles. Dr Mitsuyasu's research interests include clinical trial investigations of cytokines, immune-based therapies, biologic response modifiers, vaccines and gene therapies for HIV and treatments for AIDS-related malignancies. He has an extensive background in the use of cytokines, other biologic interventions, bone marrow and stem cell transplants and other novel therapies approaches for HIV. He has also pioneered the use of gene therapy for HIV infection. Martin GoreMartin GoreMartin Gore qualified in medicine at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London in 1974 and spent time in general practice before training in general internal medicine at University College Hospital, London. He joined the Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research in 1981 where he worked as a clinical scientist and was awarded a PhD for his work on breast cancer. Professor Gore joined the Royal Marsden Hospital training programme in 1984 and was appointed Consultant Cancer Physician at the Marsden and Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Cancer Research in 1988. His main research interests have been the development of novel therapeutics in ovarian cancer, melanoma and renal cell carcinoma particularly in the area of biologics, gene therapy and novel targeted agents. Professor Gore is Chairman of the UK Department of Health's Gene Therapy Advisory Committee and Vice-chairman of the Health and Safety Executive's Scientific Advisory Committee on Genetically Modified Organisms. He is currently Medical Director of the Royal Marsden Hospital in London. He is past President of the UK Melanoma Study Group and past Chair of the NCRI Melanoma Clinical Studies Group. He is on the Council of the International Gynaecologic Cancer Society. He is a member of the Gynaecologic Cancer Steering Committee of the NCI (US) and previously served on the Programme Committee of American Society of Clinical Oncology for the Gynecologic Cancer Track. He is also a Medical Advisor to the US Kidney Cancer Association. He is on the editorial board of several journals and has published over 300 articles and edited eight textbooks.

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