
Welcome to the October 2020 edition of the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. We know that we are all continuing in strange and uncharted times. We want to start by saying that we hope everyone, no matter where in the world you are, is safe and healthy. That includes not only you but your families, your staff, and your friends. Navigating through COVID-19 has for many been the most challenging challenge that any of us have ever encountered. We hope that everyone is doing well, during what I like to call these weird and crazy times. We all miss our past normal. I am sure that when we return to whatever that was, we will for sure never take simple things like eating in restaurants or traveling on airplanes for granted. While many have seen their own communities “opening up,” we still must realize that this virus is still all around us. Until there is a safe and effective vaccine that can provide long-standing immunity, we need to be on our guards each and every day. To that end, we remain hopeful that our colleagues working on vaccines and therapeutics, can one day soon, be able to develop something that helps rid us of this invisible killer. We hope that you enjoy this issue of JCD—full of interesting, exciting, and thought provoking studies. We hope, in the end, makes you a better clinical physician. We have started each of the past several issues with articles related to COVID-19. We have chosen six articles that we think need to be in print. Starting with Wang et al discussing Suggestions for Maintaining the Functioning of Plastic Surgery Clinics during COVID-19 Pandemic. We all are doing our best to “function” during this pandemic; here are some important tips. This is followed by Altunisik et al discussing Views and Experiences of Dermatologists in Turkey Regarding Teledermatology during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Teledermatology and telemedicine itself has become extremely popular during this pandemic; this important paper reviews it’s usage in Turkey and how it is being utilized. Next, Veraldi et al review Seborrheic Dermatitis and Masks. Obviously, mask wearing has become standard for most and with it, we are seeing an increase in cutaneous diseases, which can be attributed to the use of that mask. Jakhar et al discuss Increased Usage of Smartphones during COVID-19: Is That Blue Light Causing Skin Damage? The concept of blue light from smartphones is a very important topic at this time and in this paper, and this is discussed. Altunisik et al review the Relationship between Hand Hygiene and Cutaneous Findings during COVID-19 Pandemic. And last, Goldust et al also tackle hand washing with Hand Eczema Due to Frequent Hand Washing in Combat with COVID-19. We need to be aware that hand washing, although mandatory during COVID-19, may lead to an increase in skin concerns. Also in this JCD issue, we are showcasing some of the incredible review articles that we have received. The first of these is Andriessen et al reviewing The Role of a Shelf-Ready, Human-Derived, Soft Tissue Injectable Adipose Matrix for Facial Volume Correction. This is a fascinating new soft tissue adipose matrix which is making great strides in the US market at this time. This is followed by Al-Niami et al reviewing Botulinum Toxin Complications in Registered and Off-Label Aesthetic Indications. Understanding complications is critically important to everyone using injectable toxins, and this article is a wonderful addition to this subject matter. Next, Wanitphakdeedecha et al discuss Antibody-Induced Botulinum Treatment Failure: A Review and Novel Management Approach; another very important paper for us to understand. This is followed by Salum et al with their article Deoxycholic Acid in the Submental Fat Reduction: A Review of Properties, Adverse Events, and Complications. Deoxycholate has been a popular therapy for use in fat reduction; this paper is a must for those interested in this field. And finally, Vinshtok and Cassuto discuss Biochemical and Physical Actions of Hyaluronic Acid Delivered by Intradermal Jet-Injection Route. This fascinating technology may become something very special in the near future. Plus, there are many fascinating articles throughout the rest of this issue of JCD. Please read through, please see the myriad of learning opportunities that exist in this journal. And please, let us know your feedback on how we are doing, good and bad. So please everyone stay safe and healthy. Protect yourself, your families, your loved ones, and your community. Let’s return someday to what normal used to be and prepare so that nothing like COVID-19 ever occurs again.

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