
Since the pandemic outbreak 3 years ago, COVID-19 has generated at least 12 existing variants and (Kozlov, 2022). The human-animal interface might be the hotspot facilitating 17 the emergence according to recent studies (The Lancet, 2020;Hedman et al., 2021). To better 18 understand the emergence, the evolution features of their genome, and the pathogen-host interactions, 19 we proposed this research topic. We believe the key to preparing for the next pandemic is to closely 20 monitor the emergence of such pathogens (and their variants) around the hotspot promptly.In this research topic, we invited global scholars to share their most recent findings on genomic 22 feathers of viruses that can pose serious threats to public health. We received 10 manuscripts initially 23 but only 7 manuscripts have been accepted for publication after rigorous peer reviews. Three of them gastroenteritis outbreak in 2020. The speed and ease of nanopore sequencing in the field would be 75 beneficial for areas in which laboratory access is limited.

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