
In this article, “Urology Boot Camp: A Pilot Medical Student Curriculum For Common Bedside Urologic Procedures,” the authors developed a novel, urology-specific (catheter placement and irrigation) "boot camp" for third year medical students. The boot camp was very thoughtfully designed to minimize in-person instruction time, and included an online module that students needed to view ahead of time, followed by a single hands-on session. The intervention was incredibly well-received by students, who said they would recommend repeating it for others and reported increased comfort with Foley catheter placement and irrigation. As urologists we have a vested interest in exposing medical students to the most basic and fundamental urologic procedures for multiple reasons; not only can this early exposure pique interest in our fantastic field, but knowledge of basic bladder management can be utilized in every field of medicine. The intervention reported on in this article is simple and reproducible. The logical next step is how it can be scaled to reach more students. There are 192 medical schools in the US (MD and DO), and rather than every institution re-inventing the wheel to develop their own curriculum, this is an opportunity ripe for standardization and facilitation of such skill and educational sessions. The American Urological Association has been, and should continue to be, a driver in these efforts to standardize educational sessions and afford their broad availability. Simulation allows for exposure and repetition of skills in a low-stress and low-risk environment. If cost prohibits model-based simulation of the skills discussed in this article, consideration can be given to low-fidelity simulation of the same skills, as a rudimentary lower urinary tract can certainly be simulated without a costly human model. We applaud the authors for addressing an unmet need in medical education and are encouraged by the interest in empowering the next generation of physicians to gain confidence and competence in basic urologic skills.

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