
Editor's Note Jennifer S. Tuttle, Editor As I write this note, Legacy is in the midst of many changes. Foremost among them is the departure of coeditor Nicole Tonkovich. Nicole has served the journal in multiple capacities: Having signed on as a consultant/ reader in 1996, she became a member of the editorial board, then a coeditor, and then editor in chief in 2006. When she stepped down from that position in 2012, she graciously agreed to remain as a coeditor during our time of transition. With this issue we bid her farewell and express our deepest thanks for her seventeen years of service. It is difficult to overstate the positive impact she has had on Legacy. Under her editorship, every aspect of the journal has become more innovative, more rigorous, more theoretically astute, and more polished. She possesses rare talent as an editor—that is, as a close reader and shaper of prose. But more than that, she is committed to mentoring those of us who have had the pleasure to work with her, nurturing our development as editors (and writers) as well. Her vision and skill have left an indelible mark on the journal. We are grateful that she has agreed to serve along with former editor Sharon M. Harris as a consulting editor, ensuring that we will continue to benefit from her insight and expertise. While we are sorry to lose Nicole as a coeditor, we are thrilled to announce that Susan Tomlinson has accepted our invitation to step into the role. Susan has a long and distinguished history at Legacy, having served the journal as both a consultant/reader and a member of the editorial board. Her careful and collegial reviews of Legacy submissions have shaped the field and provided untold benefits to scholars and subscribers alike. She brings a wealth of experience in editing and publishing, a distinguished scholarly reputation, as well as a great store of positive energy, and we look forward to working with her. In this issue I must also announce two more departures. First, Robin L. Cadwallader is stepping down from her posts as managing editor and features editor. Robin has been a pillar at Legacy since 1996, having served as a consultant/reader as well as shouldering enormous responsibility in her two editorial capacities. She has helped to shape every aspect of the journal, from the broadest questions engaging the field to the finest points of style, punctuation, and layout. We are honored that she has agreed to join the ranks of our consulting [End Page ix] editors. Our second departure is Assistant Editor Lisa M. Thomas, who has shaped and honed Legacy's offerings with uncanny skill and accuracy. We are deeply grateful to Lisa for the care with which she has verified citations, checked quotations and transcriptions, chased down obscure sources, mastered even the most arcane rules of mla and Legacy house style, and attended to every last detail at the sentence level. Both Lisa and Robin have helped to establish Legacy's reputation for superb editing and conscientious scholarship, and we thank them for their generosity and skill. Stepping into the roles vacated by Robin and Lisa are our new features editor, Desirée Henderson; our new managing editor, Mary I. Unger; and our new editorial assistant, Amber LaPiana. We are grateful to welcome them, and we admire and appreciate their scholarly distinction, editorial acumen, and positive spirit of collegiality. Desirée has long served the journal as a board member, consultant/reader, and contributor, and she brings to her new position an established commitment to theoretically rigorous recovery work. Mary and Amber are both highly regarded for their previous editorial contributions to learned journals as well as for their own scholarly achievements. Legacy is lucky to have such accomplished editors in its service. Because this issue of Legacy took shape throughout this period of transition, all of our departing editors share with our existing and incoming staff the credit for bringing it to fruition. Each issue comes together, of course, only through the commitment and careful work of many individuals, and I am grateful for the contributions of everyone on the masthead (including our editorial...

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