
Editor's Note John McMackin As another year draws to a close, and another publishing cycle reaches completion, it is incumbent upon those of us here at the journal to recognize and thank several people. To begin, the Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, and all the law journals at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law, could not accomplish everything we aspire to each year without the institutional memory and knowhow of Ms. Rita Eads. She is an essential part of the journal team, and a team member who often goes unnoticed. It is also incumbent upon us to recognize our primary faculty advisor, and founder, Professor Alfred Aman. Professor Aman continues to be the force behind the journal and has seen it through yet another cycle of excellent scholarship and discourse. We are, as ever, indebted to him for his dedication to the Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. The editorial staff of the journal has also performed excellent work, both the second year and third year members, allowing us to accelerate our publishing timeline and continue to uphold the long standard of excellence evidenced by our quarter-century worth of predecessors. The dedication of these sixty-one individuals has been palpable throughout this past year and the journal is in good hands as we turn the page to next year's leaders. Incoming Editor-in-Chief Christa Kumming and her team are well positioned to carry on into the second decade of this century and beyond the legacy they have inherited. Finally, it is incumbent upon me, note the pronoun change, to acknowledge certain individuals who facilitated my growth and enabled me to carry out my work as editor-in-chief of the journal. Predictably, these are my loving and dedicated wife, Kaitlyn Jolena McMackin, and my dear parents, Lester and Elizabeth McMackin. The support and example you provide is invaluable. Vade et noli timere tenebras [End Page i] John McMackin Bloomington, Indiana May 2019 Copyright © 2019 Indiana University Maurer School of Law

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