
Editor's Note J. Patrick Biddix In this issue, we present a two-part review of Stevie Johnson's (2019) dissertation album, The Space Program Presents Curriculum of the Mind. A review of alternative scholarship media represents a new direction for JCSD that we wanted to acknowledge. Foremost, this is not a review of media, but a review of a research medium presented as an album. Penny Pasque explains: "Similar to hip-hip research / arts-based research, the album 'is' the research to be reviewed—much like a book of a dissertation would be reviewed. It is the culmination of focus groups, thematic analysis, critical inquiry, action research—where findings and analyses are in the album itself." Although not a traditional (nor familiar) product of scholarship in student affairs, arts-based works are more common scholarly products in other academic fields. In this case, the work evolved from a manuscript to an album after Johnson considered the effective and impactful outcomes of his scholarship. The two reviewers, Thandi Sulé and Penny Pasque, are well positioned to provide a review of this work: Sulé as an ethnographer and researcher active in this space, and Pasque is a qualitative and equity scholar. Their evaluations share a familiar format with traditional book reviews in that both scholars have examined the product for its developmental influence and contributions to the scholarship and work of student development. Sulé considers the work within the dual frames of Blackness and maleness while highlighting its contribution as an advocacy-based call for critical consciousness. She provides a track-by-track review similar to a traditional chapter-by-chapter format. Pasque takes a more holistic look at the medium as scholarship, tracing its evolution from a traditional academic paper to its production and delivery as an album. Her review more holistically emphasizes the rigor of the process and product. Both scholars arrived at their conclusions from different perspectives, identities, and outlooks. Each complements and supplements the other in important ways, adding value to how the scholarship and product contribute to and fit within student affairs research and practice. The content of research is particularly timely, aligning with ACPA's Strategic Imperative on Racial Justice and Decolonization. This direction represents the evolving nature of research in the field, and we encourage others to suggest innovative ways we can continue to learn from different media for scholarship and how these can affect our work. J. Patrick Biddix Associate editor Copyright © 2020 ACPA

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