
Welcome to the Sports Medicine Special Topics Issue of the Strength and Conditioning Journal. In keeping with the journal's mission, this issue features articles from outstanding experts in the field presenting the latest evidence-based and practical applications on a variety of sports medicine topics. This issue contributes to the ever-growing knowledge base required of strength and conditioning professionals seeking to safely and effectively progress the training regimens of their athletes and clients while recognizing the need to be aware of common injuries and prevention strategies. Given the continuum of care after injury, it is essential that strength and conditioning professionals at all levels possess knowledge of risks specific to common medical interventions and rehabilitation procedures. Moreover, we recognize that open and clear communication between medical professionals and strength and conditioning professionals is critical, particularly at the time of transition from medical care. In this issue, 2 articles address sport and exercise injury rates, with one addressing the latest findings on high school and college sport-specific injuries while the other article presents the incidence and risk factors for and prevention strategies for youth resistance training injuries. Five articles focus on foundational concepts, testing issues, injury prevention, and/or special considerations for exercise technique and program design in dealing with common joint-specific injuries or impairments. These evidence-based and practical application-specific articles address postrehabilitation strength and conditioning for the shoulder, prevention of recurrent hamstring strains, exercise and training considerations for neck pain, an overview of total knee replacement and the role of the strength and conditioning professional, and techniques for preventing anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes. Other sports medicine current issues we expect you will find both intriguing and useful are presented in specific articles addressing exercise guidelines for pregnant and postpartum women; proprioception and how it is affected by injury, rehabilitation, and training; and the role of instability rehabilitative resistance training for the core musculature. We would like to thank all authors in graciously accepting the invitation to write for this special issue and their extensive work in preparing and revising their articles in a timely manner to meet all deadlines. Our thanks also go to the reviewers who provided valuable insight and comments on the articles. Last, we recognize Dr. Jeff Chandler for his support and for developing the idea of publishing a Sports Medicine Special Topics Issue and to Managing Editor Britt Chandler for always providing prompt editorial support. Whether you are a physical therapist, athletic trainer, personal trainer, strength coach, or other health professional working in the strength and conditioning field, we entrust you will find this issue informative and useful in your particular area of practice. Respectfully,Caption not available.John P. McCarthyCaption not available.Morey J. Kolber Guest Editors—Special Topics Issue on Sports Medicine

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