
The discourse Against the Barlaamites of the patriarch of Constantinople Kallistos I, which so far has remained unedited, is delivered by the codex of Hilandar Monastery 8 (Athon. 229), ff. 192v-199v, of the 15th century and by the codex of Panteleemon Monastery 1074 (Athon. 6267), ff. 88-93v, of the 19th century, which is an identical copy of the codex of Hilandar Monastery. The redaction of the discourse in question is set in the time period between 1355 and 1357. The patriarch himself some Sunday most likely addressed the congregation with this discourse. The patriarch Kallistos I turns against the followers of Barlaam of Calabria, Gregory Akindynos and Nikephoros Gregoras, who according to the official position of the Eastern Orthodox Church had fallen to heresy. The aim of the patriarch Kallistos I with this particular discourse was to avert the danger of heretical beliefs being adopted by members of the congregation of the Eastern Orthodox Church and, at the same time, to convince those who had already embraced these heretical beliefs to revert to the true faith of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

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