
This paper describes a new approach for modelling the pedestal energy transport in the presence of a small radial magnetic perturbation. The cases of a ballooning instability leading to Type I edge localized modes (ELMs) and a magnetic perturbation generated by external coils are treated. The model for Type I ELMs is based on the linear ideal MHD code MISHKA coupled with the non-linear energy transport code TELM in a realistic tokamak geometry. The main mechanism of the increased transport through the external transport barrier in this model of ELMs is due to the appearance of a radial velocity and a radial magnetic field perturbation due to the MHD mode. Both lead to additional transport perpendicular to the magnetic surface and hence to a relaxation of the pressure profile in the unstable zone. The typical Type I ELM time-cycle was reproduced numerically including the destabilization of the ballooning modes leading to the fast (250 μ s) collapse of the pedestal pressure followed by the edge pressure profile re-building on a diffusive time scale. A possible mechanism for the control of Type I ELMs using a stochastic plasma boundary created by external coils is modelled in this paper using data on ELM suppression by I-coils from the DIII-D experiment. In the stochastic layer the transverse transport is effectively increased by diffusion of the magnetic field lines. The modelling results demonstrate the possibility of decreasing the edge pressure gradient to a value that is just below the ideal ballooning limit, leading to a high confinement regime without Type I ELMs.

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