
We present in this work a consistent numerical scheme that allows the computation of 3D magnetic fields a nd 3D density profiles and their usage in ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) coupling simulations. We first utilize the PARVMEC code to compute the 3D free-boundary plasma equilibrium in the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) approximation. Since the PARVMEC solution is only defined within the last closed flux surface (LCFS), the magnetic field domain is extended to the scrape-off layer (SOL) via the BMW code, which computes a divergence-free magnetic field solution arising from the external conductors’ vacuum field a nd t he PARVMEC flux surface currents. This magnetic reconstruction is then used in the EMC3-EIRENE transport code in order to compute 3D density profiles. In the last step, the RAPLICASOL code is utilized to compute the ICRF antenna S-matrices resulting from the 3D density profiles. We exemplify this scheme for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. A new implementation of a curved model for the ASDEX Upgrade ICRF 2-strap antenna in RAPLICASOL allows simulations in realistic geometry, without any coordinate transformations.

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