
Abstract:We investigated whether forest‐pasture edges affect the distribution of an assemblage of small vertebrate ectotherms in a consistent and predictable manner. We describe the abundance and distribution of two species of anoline lizards ( Norops) and five species of leaf‐litter frogs ( Eleutherodactylus) along the edges and in the interiors of nine forest fragments near Las Cruces, Costa Rica. Over 4 months, we surveyed 44 pairs of plots by visual encounter. In each pair of plots, one was immediately adjacent to the pasture and the second was within the forest “interior.” Both plots of a pair were searched simultaneously. This block design controlled for the effects of weather, topography, and searcher ability. The distribution of all species was highly variable with respect to edges. Only two species of frogs,Eleutherodactylus podiciferusandE. cruentus, were significantly more abundant in interior plots than in edge plots, although not consistently so. Both species ofNoropslizards were more abundant along forest edges during the dry season. BothNoropsspecies and severalEleutherodactylusspecies, however, appeared to become more abundant in the forest interior after the onset of the wet season, suggesting a seasonal edge effect. InNorops polylepis, the most abundant anole, rates of ectoparasitism were lower along edges than in forest interiors. The magnitude of the edge effect on any one species was not influenced by the size of fragments or by the distance of the interior plot from the nearest edge. We believe that edge effects should not be defined by the distance to which they are detected. Rather, they should be viewed as highly dynamic in space and time; taxa appear to respond to different components of edge effects according to their particular biological requirements.

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