
AbstractOre proved in 1960 that if G is a graph of order n and the sum of the degrees of any pair of nonadjacent vertices is at least n, then G has a hamiltonian cycle. In 1986, Li Hao and Zhu Yongjin showed that if n ⩾ 20 and the minimum degree δ is at least 5, then the graph G above contains at least two edge disjoint hamiltonian cycles. The result of this paper is that if n ⩾ 2δ2, then for any 3 ⩽ l1 ⩽ l2 ⩽ ⃛ ⩽ lk ⩽ n, 1 = k = [(δ ‐ 1)/2], such graph has K edge disjoint cycles with lengths l1, l2…lk, respectively. In particular, when l1 = l2 = ⃛ = lk = n and k = [(δ ‐ 1)/2], the graph contains [(δ ‐ 1)/2] edge disjoint hamiltonian cycles.

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