
Camera pose estimation is crucial for 3D surface reconstruction and augmented reality applications. For systems equipped with RGB-D sensors, the corresponding transformation between frames can be effectively estimated using the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithms. Edge points, which cover most of the geometric structures in a frame, are good candidates for control points in ICP. However, the depth of object contour points is hard to accurately measure using commercial RGB-D sensors. Inspired by the model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) algorithm, this work proposes a meta-ICP algorithm to jointly estimate the optimal transformation for multiple tasks, which are constructed by sampled datapoints. To increase task sampling efficiency, an edge-based task set partition algorithm is introduced for constructing complementary task sets. Moreover, to prevent ICP from being trapped in local minima, a dynamic model adaptation scheme is adopted to disturb the trapped tasks. Experimental results reveal that the probability of unstable estimations can be effectively reduced, indicating a much narrower error distribution of repeated experiments when adopting re-sampled points. With the proposed scheme, the overall absolute trajectory error can be improved by more than 30% as compared to the related edge-based methods using frame-to-frame pose estimation.


  • In augmented reality (AR) applications, the quality of virtual content registration highly relies on the understanding of the camera viewing angle and position

  • Depth edge points, which preserve most of the details in a scene structure, are good candidates used in geometric alignment

  • The dataset includes image sequences recorded from the Kinect V1 along with the corresponding ground-truth camera poses captured from a motion capture system

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In augmented reality (AR) applications, the quality of virtual content registration highly relies on the understanding of the camera viewing angle and position. Chen et al.: Edge-Based Meta-ICP Algorithm for Reliable Camera Pose Estimation minimizing the distance to the closest edge in the target image. Instead of adopting CNN-based edge detectors as presented in [15] to learn the edges, this work explores how to efficiently apply the concept of meta-learning strategy [18] to the edge-based ICP algorithm for improving the accuracy and reliability of pose estimation. Since the meta-learned model can be trained more effectively by using properly selected training tasks [27], this work presents schemes to construct comprehensive data sets that are employed to sample datapoints for training tasks. This paper presents an edge-based meta-ICP algorithm to jointly learn the transformation from multiple edge types. This work presents a novel ICP algorithm based on the meta-learning strategy.

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