
To the Editor.— The Food and Drug Administration has recently stated that unless further information is made available regarding the efficacy of the oral form of edetate calcium disodium (EDTA) that after six months, this form will be removed from the market. Recently, during the screening of six workers in a stained glass window factory, three were found to have elevated blood lead levels (> 60μg/100 ml). Since two of these three patients' blood levels were only slightly elevated (81 μg/ 100 ml), each was treated with an oral course of edetate trisodium (Versenate Sodium), 4 gm daily for five days, with reduction of blood lead levels to normal. (The third case with much higher levels was treated parenterally.) Because of other experience 1-6 which would favor the efficacy of oral administration of EDTA by varied criteria, it appears to us that the 6-month period is inappropriately short to obtain sufficient

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