
Real-time and non-invasive imaging of tissues and detection of diseases on millimeter to centimeter scales can be useful in some clinical applications such as determination of margins during cancer surgery and image-guided pathology. In this paper, we describe an eddy current measurement method for characterizing soft tissues. The device consists of a pair of concentrically wound coils, a primary coil excited by a low frequency (<100 kHz) sinusoidal voltage, inducing a voltage and current in the secondary detecting coil. When a conducting sample is present, eddy currents develop in the sample and alter the induced voltage and phase on the detecting coil. The output voltage and phase of the detecting coil are then monitored using lock-in amplification. Experimental measurements on porcine muscle tissue examine the effects of varying tissue macrostructure and conductivity on the eddy current detector. Three sets of experiments are presented. First, muscle samples cut into different sized grids simulating the restriction of eddy current domains show that morphological structure has a strong influence on the detector signal. Second, eddy current measurements made on porcine muscle samples at varying degrees of dehydration show that as conductivity decreases, eddy current signals also decrease. Finally, measurements on porcine muscle samples soaked overnight in deionized water complement the dehydration experiments and confirm detector voltage and phase changes decrease with decreasing conductivity.

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