Reducing methane emissions and water use is critical for combating climate change and declining aquifers on food production. Reductions in irrigation water use and methane emissions are known benefits of practicing alternate wetting and drying (AWD) over continuous flooding (CF) water management in lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) production systems. In a two-year (2020 and 2021) study, methane emissions from large farm-scale (∼50ha) rice fields managed under CF and AWD in soils dominated by Sharkey clay (Sharkey clay, clay over loamy, montmorillonitic non-acid, thermic Vertic halauepet) were monitored using the eddy covariance method (EC). In the EC system, an open-path laser gas analyzer was used to monitor air methane gas density in the constant flux layer of the atmosphere over the rice-crop canopies. Total water pumped into the field for floodwater management was higher in CF compared to AWD by 24 and 14% in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Considerable variations between seasons in the amount of methane emitted from the CF and AWD treatments were observed: CF emitted 29 and 75kgha-1 and AWD emitted 14 and 34kgha-1 methane in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Notwithstanding, the extent of reduction in methane emissions due to AWD over CF was similar for each crop season (52% in 2020 and 55% in 2021). Rice grain yield harvested differed by only ±2% between AWD and CF. This investigation of large-scale system-level evaluation, using the EC method, confirmed that by practicing AWD floodwater management in rice, water pumped from aquifers could be reduced by about a quarter and methane emissions from rice fields could be cut down by about half without affecting grain yields, thereby promoting sustainable water management and greenhouse gas emission reduction during rice production in the Lower Mississippi Delta.
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