
The physiogr~~phic position 8nd t8xonomic identity of soils of 8 Wyoming big sagebrush (Ar&misia tr&htata spp. wyomingens& /gnssl8nd community were determined. Surf8ce soil m8teri8ls from errch identified soil were an8lyzed for 8 variety of chemical and physic81 properties. Arcrs of crrch soil were either burned, sprayed with 2,4-D [(2,44ichlorophenoxy) acetic acid], or plowed for srgebrusb control and seeded to crested whe8tgr8ss (Agropylon desertonun cultivu Nordur). Spraying and plowing resulted in signiflcrntly (p=O.O5) different sagebrush mort8lities of 75 md 62% averrgrd over 811 soils with brush mort8lity being much higher on some soils than others. Burning resulted in 100% s8gebrusb mortrlity on all soils. Seedling est8blishment of crested whe8tgr8ss ~8s signifierrntly higher on plowed thur spnyed soils with 9 8nd 6 seedlings per meter of row, respectively. Soils of burned 8reas 8verrged 5 seedlings per meter of row on a dry yclr. Most seedlings were est8blished on loamy soils reprdless of the method of brush control. Multiple regression 8~lyses of ed8phic f8ctors were used to develop equations predicting brush mort8lity and seedling establishment in sprayed and plowed 8rerrs. Soil series descriptions include data which could be used in nmking such predictions.

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