
Mediterranean halophytic rush vegetation was studied in the coastal marshes found in the Valencian region (Spain). Species achieving a frequency > 10% in vegetation relevés have been considered : Aeluropus littoralis , Artemisia caerulescens subsp. gallica , Arthrocnemum macrostachyum , Aster tripolium subsp. tripolium , Carex extensa , Centaurium spicatum, Inula crithmoides, Juncus acutus , Juncus maritimus , Juncus subulatus , Linum maritimum, Phragmites australis , Plantago crassifolia, Samolus valerandi , Schoenus nigricans, Scirpus maritimus var. compactus, Sonchus maritimus subsp. maritimus and Suaeda maritima. Four sociological groups were established by means of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and their relationship to edaphic factors (water level, pH, total calcium carbonate, lime (active calcium carbonate), sulphates, organic matter, conductivity over saturation extract of the soil, salinity, Ca++, Mg++, Na+, Cl", S.A.R., total nitrogen and texture) were carried out using statistical analysis. Soil texture, total nitrogen and active calcium carbonate have a significant correlation on the distribution of this species. High lime content allows some glycophytes to support high concentrations of salt. Nomenclature follows Tutin, T.G. et al. (1964-1980).

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