
The unity of the Persons of the Trinity is the source and highest exemplar of Christian unity which all ecumenical initiatives seek. During his earthly ministry, our Lord Jesus Christ prayed for the unity of Christians (John 17:21). This prayer of Jesus furnishes us with the fundamental inspiration for the ecumenical movement in all its dimensions of expression. Right from the beginning, the Christian church has experienced rifts in both the West and the East. The modern ecumenical movement is an attempt to restore Christian unity against the background of 16th century divisions attendant upon the Protestant Reformation. It is also conducted in hindsight of the Protestant Reformation that the 19th and 20th century missionary activities of Christian churches from Europe in Nigeria took place. Several historical factors have shaped the successes and failures of significant missionary endeavors. This article highlights a few of those historical factors in a bid to identify the roots of discord and footprints of ecumenism at the beginning of the establishment of Christian churches in Nigeria. The goal intended to be realized through this historical excursus is to engender a livelier ecumenical hope for Christian unity in Nigeria while maintaining the already-achieved progress made so far, as well as countering further divisions.

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