
This article assesses the concrete contemporary ecumenical situation in the discussion of the place of deacons in the ordained ministry. This will lead us to an analysis of its relation to deep ecclesiological and even Christological aspects. The analysis begins with Vatican II and its accompanying theological renewal. This shapes the necessary background for an examination of the Lima Document and the Porvoo Declaration. The threefold ministry can be seen as instrumental in these key areas of mission, which are rooted in the Church’s Trinitarian and Christological nature. If the more narrow sense of diaconia is not also present, the nature of the Eucharist as a sacrifice of love is diminished, and without the sacramental dimension, its spiritual content is thin. The ecumenical discussion of the place of deacons in the ordained ministry seems to concern how theologically and practically to embed the ministry within a sacramental communion ecclesiology. The key question is, in what way to reveal its significance as a sign and instrument of faith, hope, and love. It is therefore necessary, firstly, to come to a deeper understanding of Trinitarian communion ecclesiology and the place of diaconal ministry within it. Secondly, an understanding is needed of the practical consequences of the interplay between leitourgia, diaconia, and martyria in the mission of the church facing the suffering world today.

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