
Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is defined as a pregnancy implanted outside of the endometrial cavity and one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality during the first trimester. There are several risk factors of ectopic pregnancy have been described especially following ART. However, prevalence of ectopic pregnancy is varied and slightly higher in pregnancies following ART. Several mechanisms have been described of EP following ART. Serial serum beta hCG and pelvic sonographic screening facilitates early diagnosis and avoid the delay to initiate treatment for EP in ART patients. No particular treatment modality is shown to be superior in EP. In this case, we reported two cases of ectopic tubal pregnancy following Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)-Embryo Transfer (ET) which were successfully managed without complications by laparoscopic salpingectomy our own practice we present a management approach for future pregnancies with particular focus on fetal surveillance.

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