
We produced transgenic mice carrying the native sheep beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) or fusion genes composed of the BLG promoter and human serum albumin (HSA) minigenes. BLG was expressed exclusively in the mammary glands of the virgin and lactating transgenic mice evaluated. In contrast, transgenic females carrying the BLG/HSA fusion constructs also expressed the HSA RNA ectopically in skeletal muscle, kidney, brain, spleen, salivary gland and skin. Ectopic expression of HSA RNA was detected only in strains that express the transgene in the mammary gland. There was no obvious correlation between the level of the HSA RNA expressed in the mammary gland and that found ectopically. In three transgenic strains analysed, the expression of HSA RNA in kidney and skeletal muscle increased during pregnancy and lactation, whereas in the brain HSA expression decreased during lactation in one of the strains. HSA protein was synthesized in skeletal muscle and skin of strain #23 and its level was higher in lactating mice compared with virgin mice. Expression of HSA was also analysed in males and was found to be more stringently controlled than in females of the same strains. In situ hybridization analyses localized the expressed transgene in the skin, kidney, brain and salivary glands of various transgenic strains. Distinct strain-specific and cell-type specific HSA expression patterns were observed in the skin. This is in contrast to the exclusive expression of the HSA transgene in epithelial cells surrounding the alveoli of the mammary gland. Taken together, these results suggest that the absence of sufficient mammary-specific regulatory elements in the BLG promoter sequences and/or the juxtaposition of the BLG promoter with the HSA coding sequences leads to novel tissue- and cell-specific expression in ectopic tissues of transgenic mice.

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