
The ECSACON 11th Scientific Conference was held in Harare, Zimbabwe on 1–3 September 2014. Around 600 nurses and midwives from across the East, Central and Southern Africa (ECSA) region attended. The theme of the conference was: Increasing access to quality nursing and midwifery care—nurses and midwives taking the leading role. The conference was hosted by the Zimbabwe Nurses Association and the Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Care. In a very moving opening ceremony, countries entered the auditorium behind their flag and stood silently during the ceremonial lighting of the lamp, the international symbol of nursing, remembering the work of Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War. During the opening ceremony, delegates stood for 1 minute’s silence in recognition of the many health workers who have died recently during the Ebola crisis in West Africa. The Student Nurse Choir from the Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals inspired delegates with their songs reflecting the dedication of nurses and midwives the world over to the care of individuals, families and communities. Outgoing President of ECSACON, Mrs Maleshoane Monethi-Seeiso welcomed delegates and introduced the newly appointed Director-General of ECSA Health Community Professor Yoswa Dambisya. Inspiring keynote speeches were given by Professor Leslie Mancuso, President and Chief Executive Officer of Jhpiego and special guests Dr Judith Shamian, President of the International Council of Nurses and Ms Frances Day-Stirk, President of the International Confederation of Midwives. Professor Leslie Mancuso’s presentation was titled: Increasing access to quality nursing and midwifery care: nurses and midwives taking the leading role. Dr Mancuso told delegates that a woman dies every 2 minutes due to pregnancy-related causes: 270 000 women die each year from cervical cancer; 3 000 women and 1 000 children are newly infected with HIV every day; and nearly 7 million children Conference opening ceremony

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