
Introduction: The article is devoted to the use of e-learning as a form of implementation of innovations in the university, which allows to improve the quality of education through the use of rapidly growing world educational resources and due to the fact that the use of e-learning elements and distance learning technologies increases the share of independent work of students in mastering the material . As the author of the article shows: in recent years, global changes have occurred in the modern higher education of the Russian Federation. They were caused by the new demands of the state and society, as well as innovations in the country's economy. In modern higher education there is a need for the development of innovations and their continuous improvement.Materials and methods: the article developed the question of the introduction of e-learning in higher education. For this, the problems of creation, development and dissemination of pedagogical innovations were considered. Identified various aspects of studying the problems of education, which reveal the positive impact of information technology on the education system. The definition of innovation in the vocational education system is given as a result of practical and theoretical research, various developments in the field of vocational education, which lead to an increase in its effectiveness.Results: The article analyzes the use of electronic courses in the electronic educational environment of the university, which showed that the teacher’s readiness to use the electronic environment has increased significantly.Discussion and Conclusions: the article discusses the existing tools and technologies for the application of innovative teaching methods that have many advantages and their joint use makes it possible to simplify the learning process as much as possible, to make it more convenient and intensive. The electronic courses developed by university teachers in the electronic environment allow to improve the level of development and the quality of education of students in general.


  • The article is devoted to the use

  • which allows to improve the quality of education through the use

  • to the fact that the use of e-learning elements and distance learning technologies increases the share of independent work of students

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Введение: статья посвящена применению такой формы реализации инноваций в вузе, как электронное обучение, которое позволяет повысить качество образования за счет использования быстро пополняющихся мировых образовательных ресурсов и за счет того, что при использовании элементов электронного обучения и дистанционных образовательных технологий увеличивается доля самостоятельной работы студентов при освоении материала. В современном высшем образовании существует необходимость развития инноваций и их постоянного совершенствования. Материалы и методы: в статье разработаны вопросы, связанные с внедрением электронного обучения в высшем учебном заведении, рассмотрена проблема создания, развития и распространения педагогических инноваций. Дано определение инновации в системе профессионального образования: инновация представлена как результат практических и теоретических исследований, разного рода разработок в области профессионального образования, которые приводят к повышению его эффективности. Разработанные педагогами вуза электронные курсы в электронной среде позволяют повысить качество обучения студентов в целом.

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