
As a result of a complex hydroecological research on the reservoir “Ternopil Pond”and comparison of these data with environmental and quality water standards we assessed the environmental threat posed by the content of certain substances, and the ecotoxicological state of the pond in general. A high concentration of HCO3 - was found, but the critical factor of water pollution is the significant concentration of ammonia, as well as the excess over the permissible levels of sodium ions. Moreover, we found polymetallic contamination of the bottom sediments with a high ratio of biologically dangerous mobile forms, with the exception of iron, and the excess over permissible levels (MPS), which in some places was ten times higher than the norm. The high level of the content of mobile metals forms was found at sampling areaswith a considerable sedimentation.The content of the mobile form of copper exceeded the norm by 24-86 times, nickel - from 2 to 17 times, cobalt – 4-8 times. The content of the mobile form of cadmium exceeded the permissible norm by 5-80 times, and lead – by 4.5-12 times. It was established that the content of the metals of the essential group in the water of the reservoir wasbelow the permissible values, and in the places where active flushing waters are flowing high concentrations of copper wasfound. Among the nonessential metals, cadmium and lead were found with fairlyhigh cadmium content , which is biologically dangerous because of the toxicity of this metal. In case of changes in the hydrochemical balance, the mobility of metals may increase, which will substantially worsen the almost disastrous pollution of the reservoir with highly toxic and biologically hazardous metals.Economic-mathematical modeling and statistical methods based on correlation-regression analysis using Matlab software were used to investigate the influence of ammonium content on the water pH index. The correlation index is ststistically significant and amounts to 0.86. This research will allow us to predict pH index of the water depending on the content of ammonium. The calculated elasticity coefficient shows that with an increase in ammonia by 10%, the pH index of the water will vary by 8%. In order to study the environmental situation in the near future, namely the content of metals in the bottom sediments, a forecast of the content of such metals as magnesium and cobaltfor the next two seasonal periods according to the theory of Markov chains has been made. This theory allows us to make predictions of the factor, taking into account the possibility of random effects on the environment, and investigates the greatest probability of presence of a factor in a certain numerical parameter.


  • The attention paid both to the study and solving of environmental problems of fresh water ecosystems of inland water bodies is increasing due to the constantly increasing pollution (Romanenko etal., 2008; Shannon etal., 2011)

  • Dangerous for deterioration of the quality of natural waters are heavy metals (HM), which are considered to be the most dangerous for biota due to their toxicity and the ability to accumulate in hydrobionts (Nasrabadi, 2015; Perales etal. 2006)

  • On the one hand, allow one to predict the possible consequences of pollution, and on the other hand, to model and plan measures to restore the natural status of an ecosystem, which supports the quality of water and the recreational and resource potential of reservoirs (Romanenko et al, 2015,Nesaratnam and Suresh, 2014, Correl, D.L. 1998)

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The attention paid both to the study and solving of environmental problems of fresh water ecosystems of inland water bodies is increasing due to the constantly increasing pollution (Romanenko etal., 2008; Shannon etal., 2011). The research related to the study of hydrochemical levels of pollution is relevant and, it is important to analyse their impact on the reactivity and self-sustainability of hydrobionts groups that provide the productivity and ductility of hydro ecosystems, their resistance to pollution and self-purifying capacity Such studies, on the one hand , allow one to predict the possible consequences of pollution, and on the other hand, to model and plan measures to restore the natural status of an ecosystem, which supports the quality of water and the recreational and resource potential of reservoirs (Romanenko et al, 2015,Nesaratnam and Suresh, 2014, Correl, D.L. 1998).

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