
Acute pass/fail, multi-concentration tests, and 3-brood chronic toxicity tests with Daphnia magna Straus (Cladocera, Crustacea) were used to characterise industrial and municipal effluents from various sources. The effluents that "passed" the pass/fail tests had 48-h EC50 values >100% and reproduction No Observed Effect Concentration (NOECs) > or =100%, except for one effluent that had a reproduction NOEC of 31.6%. The acute multi-concentration toxicity tests allowed a rapid classification of effluents from Very Toxic (48-h EC50 < 25%), to Non-Toxic (48-h EC50 >100%). The acute-to-chronic ratio (ACR: 48-h EC50 divided by the NOEC for reproduction) in the studied effluents ranged from 5 to about 100. From these results, we propose a step-wise protocol for assessing effluent toxicity. First, effluent is evaluated by means of simple and rapid pass/fail acute toxicity tests, to discriminate Non-Toxic from potentially Toxic effluents, thus facilitating the establishment of priority actions. Second, 48-h ECx is estimated to classify effluents on a toxicity scale from Non-Toxic to Very Toxic. Third, chronic multi-concentration tests are used to calculate reproduction NOECs. These parameters combined with data on effluent chemical composition, chemical and hydrological characteristics of receiving waters, and biological quality criteria can be jointly used for more rational regulatory practices and risk assessment of effluents.

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