
The subject of this study is the Russian areas where the use of natural resources is restricted, and economic activities must be developed with due regard for the need to protect natural ecosystems from harmful human impacts. Areas under nature protection, particularly national parks, also fall into this category and make an important contribution to nature conservation. They are also the basis for the development of ecotourism, as in other parts of the world. Russia, along with other countries, adheres to a variety of concepts and tools for the development of ecotourism in PAs. In this paper, we examine the essential characteristics and implementation domains of state policy for promoting ecotourism development, using the Zabaikalsky National Park (ZNP) and the Tunkinsky National Park (TNP) as illustrative examples. Both parks are situated in the Lake Baikal basin. In this study, we rely on theoretical and practical approaches, and legislative and regulatory documents on the development of PAs and ecotourism. The analytical framework employed in this study encompasses eight fundamental areas of operation for national parks, specifically regarding the establishment of favorable conditions for ecotourism. Our information sources comprise official state reports, documents, and materials pertaining to the studied parks, as well as data obtained from expedition research, GPS tracks, and photo-sharing websites (social networks). Our findings show that efforts are being made in the parks to create favorable conditions for ecotourism development. These efforts include improving management practices, implementing functional zoning strategies, developing conceptual and design solutions, developing infrastructure, securing funding, engaging local communities, and promoting ecotourism services. Furthermore, our analysis has identified both strengths and weaknesses in the parks’ approaches to ecotourism development (attracting private investment, infrastructure and staffing, monitoring of recreational impact). The TNP, being larger in size and better developed economically, has a more significant social and economic impact on people than the ZNP. The two studied parks demonstrate the implementation of the federal agenda for the development of ecotourism in national parks. It is important to remember that the positive effects of ecotourism initiatives in national parks can take time to materialize and require ongoing monitoring and evaluation. Documenting the parks’ progress toward sustainable ecotourism as an acceptable type of economic activity in PAs can help identify successful strategies and areas for improvement, which contributes to biodiversity conservation and the well-being of local communities.

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