
In the paradigm of dissipative structures based on theories of economic and regional development, business networks, and the theory of algocognitive culture, the authors studied the processes of the formation of ecosystem formats for business development in the region as the core of a new technological paradigm. The research aimed to identify the relationship between current development formats in digital transformation with the basic foundations of business ecosystems and the possibility and willingness to use ESG principles and network practices to replicate cognitive forms of human brain hypernetworks. In this research, the authors used the methods of systemic and comparative analysis, grouping, and generalization including the authors’ practices of functional environmental analysis. As a result, the primary trends showed cooperative-network multi-level formats of interaction between business partners in the space of value formation, the development of the business ecosystem environment of the regional economy, and guidelines for the development of service practices. The new ecosystem formats implemented in the economy are considered as a manifestation of the patterns of dissipative structures and new realities of algocognitive culture including the formation of algorithmic thinking of a contemporary person. The compliance of the development of mass businesses in the region with the primary basic characteristics of ecosystems and their active use of basic digital technologies in business processes is shown. The authors revealed the readiness and need for the development of the economy of the region in the formats of ecosystems and a sufficient degree of development of this kind of format by various businesses of the territory. The possibility and necessity of using digital models of business ecosystems were established and the primary hypothesis of the research was confirmed, which forms the assumption about the active development of modern formats of interactions in the environment of small and medium-sized businesses and their cooperative associations. It provides a basis for the proposal and development of digital models of such interactions, which should significantly increase the effectiveness and speed of qualitative changes in the transition to a new technological way of life.

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