
The use of digital technologies to accelerate the well-being of our citizens dictates new requirements not only for the state of the technical infrastructure of the social environment in which numerous actors in the face of organizations and groups of citizens communicate with each other, but also for rethinking the processes of interaction of these actors with various social systems: political, economic, social, cultural, etc. The ecosystem approach to the provision of various products and services to society allows us to look at social processes through the prism of analogy with the functioning of natural ecosystems. In this case, it is possible to formulate an understanding of “ecosystem services” as a result of achieving a dynamic balance in the ecosystem of the efforts of the subsystem of living and inanimate nature and the socio-economic subsystem, in contrast to the approach adopted today in Russia, in which the term “ecosystem” is actually equated to the concept of “digital platform”. This approach allows us to look at the ecosystem as a community of individuals aimed at creating a special moral and ethical climate within the ecosystem, aimed at reducing social tension, improving the well-being of participants and their positive impact on the environment external to the ecosystem.

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