
The interstate region of the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea is the focus of international cooperation and regional economic development for peace and confidence building in the aftermath of the 'Declaration of Principles' between Israel and the PL O in September 1993, and the 'Treaty of Peace' between Jordan and Israel in October 1994. Eco-political decision making, which would sustain water development and water ecology in a framework of peaceful cooperation, is elaborated in this study with some techno-political strategic alternatives to combine the 'M D S Canal for co-generation with application of hydropowered seawater RO desalination' and 'the lower Jordan Peace Drainage Canal with brackish RO desalination'. This study suggests the priorities in the assessment of techno-political altern atives to share the resou rces and benefit among the riparian states, taking into account the incentives for eco-political decision making, inter-state regional economic development, and the will for peaceful cooperation.

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