
Important in this paperwork is to underline the significance and the role of one of the economic niche domain, that is food and leisure. We think that this name, evoqued in the title, is more appropriate, than catering, to design the economic process of providing, transformation (even production) and consumption of food, especially within firms, corporations, in the benefit of theirs employees. Therefore, we’ve analyzed some theoretical and practical aspects of this kind of Economics. Because, it’s indeed an aspect of Economics, regarding the factors of production (on a larger scale, the resources), the production and preparation of different meals and, finally, meet the demand required by the people who intend to mix the food pleasure with work activities.The practical example is from Romania’s services, which domain is not enough developed and there are many things, especially of qualitative order, in order to improve catering or food services within the entire Romanian economic system.


  • General Approaches: The economic science has incorporated elementsof philosophyfrom the seventeenthandeighteenthcentury(especially from theBritishJohnLocke, David Hume, John Hobbes), which became starting pointsinshaping the neweconomic science.The clear specification of the economics’ matter of study comes precisely from this period: theuseofscarce resourcesin order to meetcertainset goals and certain expressed needs.These desiderates, which economics as a science was supposed to fulfill, are best expressed by the subtitle ofJ-B

  • Say’s fondamentalWorks, the firsttreatyof classical Political Economy, entitled, Traitéd’économie politique, ou simple exposé de la manière dontse forment, se distribuent et se consomment les richesses".We have insisted upon theauthor mentionedabove and the titleof hisreference workbecause, in theAnglo-Saxonperimeter, during the twentiethcentury,but especiallyduring the postwar period, the economic sciencehas evolvedandis evolvingunder the name ofeconomics, translatableasthe theory of studying themeansof meeting certain goals, those regarding the solving of problemssuch as: what toproduce?, Howtoproduce?For whomtoproduce?Being fundamental

  • Thecatering mainly addresses collectivecustomers(school canteens, hospitals,military and aviation units, self-servicerestaurantsorfast foodestablishments)[2].The analzyed systemallowstheconcentration of productionin large unitswith multipleadvantages: The increase of the level ofmechanizationofprimaryprocessing operations; 1 Trifu, (2006) Essay regarding a panoptic of organic synapses of Economics, Performantica Publishers, Iasi, 10-20. 2Brăiescu, (1997)

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General Approaches: The economic science has incorporated elementsof philosophyfrom the seventeenthandeighteenthcentury(especially from theBritishJohnLocke, David Hume, John Hobbes), which became starting pointsinshaping the neweconomic science.The clear specification of the economics’ matter of study comes precisely from this period: theuseofscarce resourcesin order to meetcertainset goals and certain expressed needs.These desiderates, which economics as a science was supposed to fulfill, are best expressed by the subtitle ofJ-B. Companies that launchnew productsor improvethe quality oftheir existing productsare likely toearn ahigher marketsegmentoverthe others, which willhave to reduceactivity.The wordcateringcomes from the nouncate. It was firstly given the meaning ofpurchase andthenthemeaningofpurchased food. The application ofmodernmethodswith ashort duration ofheat treatment; Preservation andconversionunder appropriate conditions; The possibility to efficiently increasethe number of assortmentcombinations; Ensuringhygiene by implementing modern methods, resultingsalubriousfinished goodswithhighnutritional value. In order to be effective, anyfood providing system requiresthe completionof fivekeypoints, which ensures the finality andsuccess of the activity:Identifying theconsumer(customer type, needs);Formulating the policy of thecatering unit (organization chart, menus, professional standards,economic situationanalysis, SWOT analysis, stafftraining, socio-cultural and environmental impact); Interpreting the demand; Using the facilitiesprovided by technology; Analyzing themost suitable supply. Suchdishes become the dailymenusinrestaurantcanteens, self-servicepermanent units, restaurants andfast foods.The cateringproductcan be definedasa mixture ofcomponentsdosed in certainproportions,industriallyprocessedandpreserved bydehydration, freezing andthermalstabilization.Tourism developmentand the deepeningof the eatingaway from hometrend have contributed to thepermanentdemand for culinary productsand to anunevendistributionof the demandduring the day, withlarge differences betweenthe maximumand minimumdemand

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