
Core Ideas Average differences among bean yields in conventional and conservation rotations were marginal. Net income in conventional management was $122 ha−1 higher than net income in conservation practices. Risk efficiency analysis shows 4‐yr conventional preferred to all other rotations. Undercutting narrow‐row bean in conservation increased yield and net income than bean in conventional. Higher net income of undercutting narrow‐row bean may result in a greater adoption of conservation. Given the tripling of irrigated dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production in Alberta and interest in conservation (CONS) practices to improve production sustainability, a 12‐yr study was conducted to evaluate the economic effects of CONS rotations. Dry bean was grown in 3‐ to 6‐yr CONS and conventional (CONV) rotations, which included potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), and timothy (Phleum pratense L.). Conservation methods included solid‐seeded narrow‐row bean, cover crops, reduced tillage, and compost application. The 12‐yr results showed that average differences among dry bean yields in CONV and CONS rotations were marginal; however, the net income (NI) of bean in CONV rotations was higher than bean crops in CONS rotations, mainly due to greater seed expenditures for bean in CONS practices. The 12‐yr findings showed NI of CONV practices was CAN$122 ha−1 higher than CONS. Risk efficiency analysis showed CONV was preferred over CONS. The 4‐yr CONV (potato–wheat–sugar beet–bean) was the preferred rotation. In the last 2 yr of study, bean yield and NI in CONS rotations were significantly higher than bean in CONV due to the undercutting of bean in CONS rotations; therefore, it is possible that the long‐term use of undercutting practices may result in a greater adoption preference for CONS management over that of CONV systems.

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