
The use of adrenergic agonists such as ractopamine leads to lean carcasses due to an increasein muscle deposition. The effects of ractopamine on performance and carcass traits in pigsmay be varied depending on the level of agonist and amino acids, especially lysine, on diet,sex and age of the animals at the beginning of the additive supply. These factors, as well asthe feed cost and the adoption or not the carcass classification influence the economicviability of the use of ractopamine. The economic analysis, therefore, is necessary to evaluatethe feasibility of ractopamine inclusion in diets of finishing gilts. This study aimed to evaluatethe addition of ractopamine at 0, 5, 10 and 15 mg/kg of diets for gilts slaughtered with 110 kg,on feed cost, gross and net incomes, considering or not the carcass rewarding. A total of 468gilts were used and fed for 28 days. There was an increase in feed cost and linear decrease innet income without carcass rewarding with raising level of additive. For net income withcarcass rewarding, there was a linear effect with higher income for the level of 15 mg/kg.Considering the carcass classification, the inclusion of ractopamine at the level of 15 mg/kgpromotes higher income.

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