
Abstract: Efficient uninterrupted curing is a key to quality concrete. Proper curing of concrete is crucial to obtain design strength and maximum durability considering the cost of curing. Curing is designed primarily to keep the concrete moist, by preventing the loss of moisture from the concrete during the period in which it gains strength. Due to rising problem of scarcity of water and expensive conventional methods of curing, it had become necessary to build-up a new method for concrete curing. This paper represents the experimental work related to a newly developed, effective and economical method of beam curing. This method consists of a technology namely ‘Curing Pad’ that not only absorbs and retains water for an extended period of time but also reduces evaporation losses. Concrete pad consists of 3 layers. The top layer is of a reflector material that reduces evaporation losses. The middle layer comprises of an absorbent material that stores and transmits water to the concrete beam. Bottom layer is binding or packing layer that holds all three layers together. Various tests are performed to check the durability of Curing Pad as well as its performance on concrete beam. These test results are compared to those of ponding method of beam curing.

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