
The article discusses the municipal legal problems of the formation, implementation and guarantee of economic human rights. The role and importance of the institutions of local self-government in the conditions of the formation of a market economy are examined.
 It is proved that the sustainable development of territorial communities and the effective functioning of municipal authorities depend on the level of economic development in the state, the standard of living of people, the social structure of society, and the like. Therefore, the economic guarantees of the municipal government and human rights in the field of local self-government are the economic system of society, which is based on the principles of a market economy; unity of economic space; free movement of goods, services and financial resources; support for competition, freedom of economic activity, business and labor; recognition, pluralism, equality and protection of various forms of ownership, including communal ownership.
 The author believes that local self-government not only captures the political, spiritual and moral values and social achievements of mankind in any social development, but also becomes the most sensitive matter of its economic growth or decline. Also at this level of public authority organization there is a dialectical combination of the will of the legislator with the specific socio-economic interests of the local population.
 It is argued that only in those states in which local self-government and fundamental values of municipalism are recognized, exist, practiced and comprehensively guaranteed, as a rule, can an algorithm be formed according to which the legislative branch is elected democratically, the executive branch is controlled and accountable to it (political aspect), and the economy is developed, market, constant, and the like.
 It is concluded that the study of human rights in general and of economic rights and freedoms in the context of local self-government, as well as the conceptualization of local self-government through the prism of constitutional economy, market relations, economic security, etc. is one of the most pressing tasks of legal science. This has not only scientific and theoretical significance, but also, first of all, practical significance: both from the point of view of developing legislation, and in terms of resolving specific issues of the formation of real local self-government and the establishment of market relations, the formation of effective mechanisms for ensuring economic human rights in the community.


  • It is proved that the sustainable development of territorial communities

  • the effective functioning of municipal authorities depend on the level of economic development

  • human rights in the field of local self-government are the economic system of society

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