
This article presents an economic proposal for the compensation of environmental goods and services in the páramos and forests of the province of Chimborazo. It is based on the recognition of the importance of these ecosystems in the provision of various environmental services, such as climate regulation and biodiversity conservation, among others; the proposal prioritizes water resources since they are threatened by various human activities, such as deforestation, extraction of natural resources and livestock and agricultural activity. Therefore, there is a need to establish a compensation mechanism for owners and communities that contribute to the conservation of these ecosystems and promote their sustainable use. The proposal presented in this article is based on the implementation of a system of payments for environmental services, through which owners and communities that commit to conserve and properly manage moorland and forest ecosystems would be compensated monetarily. The financing of this payment system would come from various mechanisms, such as public funds, international cooperation resources and contributions from the private sector.
 The implementation of this economic proposal that aims to conserve 756 hectares through a payment of 596,836 through the implementation of projects would encourage the conservation of natural ecosystems in the province of Chimborazo and promote their sustainable use, generating benefits for both the environment and the people who depend on them.

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