
In Nigeria, the traditional media, particularly the print media, are in crisis due to the arrival and expansion of the Internet. It therefore becomes necessary for media firms to design successful business models for the digital age. Worsening this situation is the excruciating economic recession. The media industry appeared to be worse hit as the circulation of most newspapers is going down steadily while advertising revenues decreased considerably. In order to remain in circulation, managers of both the electronic and print media have resorted to all sorts of strategies to navigate the industry. In this context, the Social Responsibility Doctrine of the media takes a back seat to economic and political interests of the owners. Consequently, political and economic forces have captured the Media. Some editors are on the monthly payroll of big shots in the political and economic sectors, with the sole aim of protecting their own and sponsors’ interests. Media houses are now weapons of interest deployed for personal rather than public good. Thus, the media houses now serve as an instrument of influence and power while the culture of silence is taking over. Media owners set up newspapers to enhance their access to power in order to boost their businesses, not to carry out the business of journalism professionally. In addition, media practitioners formed beat associations “as a platform for the collection of bribes”. With the compromised media ownership, it has become an arduous task to navigate the economic, legal and professional conditions required to discharge their duties in Nigeria. The chapter interrogates empirical findings on the role of economic and political influence on Nigerian media. The data for this study were collected by mixed methods, using interviews, content analysis and survey. The conclusion is that the media in Nigeria are “a battlefield of interests”.

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