
The years after World War II (1945-64) were characterized by a particularly high birth rate in the United States and many other successful countries, which is why this period was called the generation of "Baby Boomers" (unprecedented number of children) [1]. The Boomer generation, along with the record economic rates of long-term economic advancement, was accompanied by many other virtues, however, the excessive joyous charge gave rise to a number of problems and, as a result, certain tendencies towards alcohol addiction appeared among people of a fairly successful generation [2], which led to the well-known economic problems of the 90s and finally to demographic crisis. The revival of the boomer generation was preceded by the famous "Great Depression" and according to my assumptions and, to some extent, the results of the research conducted, it is revealed that in the "post-Covid" era (2025-45 years), in the generations that have won the pandemic, we will have an essential revival of births, which we must be prepared for, by the best economic mechanisms of economic management.

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