
Two Cyperus species were studied in order to evaluate their utilization as a nutritional, medicinal and oil plants. The two species were utilized in these subjects from earlier times in Egypt. However, the study discusses why the use of these important Cyperus species decreased to such a state of their control as one of the excessive weeds, although (Cyperus esculents) is utilized as tradition nutritive nut in low scale. The results showed that the both Cyperus species acquired number of medicinal components represent in high content of secondary metabolites especially flavonoids found in higher value in the wild species Cyperus rotundus compared with the cultivated one (Cyperus esculents(. The wild Cyperus species have greater content of oils as compared with most of the used plant seeds in oil production. GC/MS analysis of the tuber oils revealed only 12 compounds similar in Cyperus rotundus and Cyperus esculents but the two species differed in 38 compounds. The wild Cyperus rotundus acquired greater number of compounds compare to the cultivated Cyperus esculents. Plant cholesterol was found in α, β and γ forms which collectively showed available content of plant cholesterol in the oil of wild type. Omega 6 content was similar and in the oil of both species, while cultivated species have doubled content of omega 9. Tubers content of environmental pollutants did not reach to the standard pollution level. Study suggests cultivation of both Cyperus species for oils production and save money of their control as weeds. Nutritional, medicinal and industrial values of Cyperus species will add greatly to the national income.

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