
This study aims to a). Analyze the impact of economic growth and poverty on the carrying capacity of the environment. in Balai Gadang Village, Koto Tangah District, Padang City. b). m analyzing land conversion resulted in environmental degradation in Balai Gadang Village, Koto Tangah District, Padang City. This research method is a descriptive type of research with a qualitative approach. The research location is in lurahan Into Hall Tower to Koto Tangah sub-district, Padang City. Informants in this study came from community leaders, village officials, sub-district officials, and related officials. Data collection techniques in this study, namely interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis technique is in use in this study is inductive data analysis. From the research findings concluded: a). The impact of economic growth on the carrying capacity of the environment is the integration of the environment due to infrastructure that supports facilities and infrastructure to support economic activities built on land that was originally used as agricultural land: b) The impact of poverty on environmental carrying capacity is the business of river dredging for fulfill the demand for sirtukil mining goods as household income. c). There has been an increase in land conversion in Balai Gadang Village. The land converted is paddy fields for residential land and trade d). Land conversion factors in Balai Gadang Village, Koto Tangah District, Padang City are government policies, natural factors, population growth and economic problems. E). The magnitude of settlement and trade expansion in Balai Gadang Village has resulted in environmental degradation, namely 1) environmental degradation to soil productivity; 2) soil degradation; 3). environmental degradation of river widening and shallowness; 4). environmental degradation of air pollution; 5) environmental degradation in the form of air pollution other than sourced from waste also sourced from motor vehicles; 6). environmental degradation of biodiversity.

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